




Enterprise Leadership Conference

March 6 – 8, 2024
4 decades of helping our High School Juniors of today become the innovators and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

INNOVATIONAttendees are challenged to be visionary, creative, analytical, and competitive as they devise viable business plans in a team environment.OPPORTUNITYELC is an innovative, informative and interactive experience that provides a strong foundation for college business courses.MENTORSHIPELC attendees are led and guided throughout the conference by Rotarians from the community around you. These civic and business leaders have led students through this experience for over 40 years.NETWORKINGThis is where pre-college networking begins. Get to know your peers from other schools as well as civic and business leaders from San Jose and Los Gatos Rotary Clubs.ENERGYELC harnesses the creative energy of our local High School Juniors by teaming them with other enthusiastic and competitive peers from locally selected high schools.
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What is ELC?

ELC is a 3-day conference led by local Rotarians that provides a comprehensive introduction for students to learn how to develop a viable Business Plan.

Why attend ELC?

ELC provides an innovative and interactive program that serves as a strong foundation for both future business courses and personal development.

Who can apply?

ELC is designed to help develop leadership and presentation skills for High School Juniors located in San Jose and Los Gatos.

Click here to see our ELC video


A heartwarming THANK YOU to our Rotary Clubs and Corporate Sponsors for their support. They make it possible each year to send selected high school juniors through the ELC program at no cost to the students or their parents.